Brave and transparent payout mechanism?

Brave and transparent payout mechanism.

Brave will reward users who use the Brave browser and agree to view ads through the BAT (Basic Attention Token) Ethereum token based on Ethereum technology can also be used as an account unit between advertisers, publishers, and users in Blockchain-based digital advertising and service platforms.


For example: When you use the Brave browser to access the content of making money online or financial investment information on the website, you will receive regular money from Brave. Or you can make money by using the Brave browser to view any website content on the internet without enabling ad blocking.


Explain: This means that you accept ads from other units running on the Brave browser and Brave will pay this percentage to you. Of course, not only do you see ads but banner ads on websites instead of being turned off will appear as usual when viewed with Chrome.

Instructions for installing brave browser --------- here ------!

What is BAT token? Why Brave Accepted BAT.

As mentioned above, Brave applied the blockchain technology to create a BAT (Basic Attention Token), the same electronic currency as Ethereum Brave integrated BAT into the browser related to the implementation of the BAT Ads system. The system displays ads to users based on locally stored information. With this data, ad targeting will be performed locally.

This Brave browser model promotes privacy protection. Browsing history is kept private, because all the data needed to deliver appropriate ads never leaves your system.


Making inappropriate ads is one of the reasons many users hate ads. With the BAT model, users can choose the ads they want to see. Brave's BAT platform protects the anonymity of users while ensuring the relevancy of the ads they view.


Therefore, it can be said that BAT represents a fundamental review of how digital ads are best served to target users.

Brave's compensation mechanism for content creators and users.

Brave blocks ads by default so ads will not be displayed in the browser, so how does Brave support advertisers?


Brave has developed the Brave ADS tongue network. Content creators will be required to register with the network before qualifying for revenue. By then, the registered content creator will earn 55% of the alternative advertising revenue.

 And this is the actual BAT number I got when I saw the ad

Make money now with the brave browser !

Brave integrates an existing BAT wallet, which allows users to support their favorite websites. Users can download the wallet and distribute a specified amount of BAT to favorite websites, the wallet can be loaded via Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and BAT tokens. Credit cardholders use the Uphold payment processor. You can set a monthly BAT budget to be automatically distributed to frequently visited websites. You also have the right to set a percentage to be contributed. You will not have to see any ads but still support your favorite website.

Users can earn BAT by browsing Brave enabled sites. If the user agrees to replace the regular ads with anonymous ads from Brave ho will be paid in Basic Attention Token (BAT). Users will receive 15% of revenue. Revenue depends on the time spent on the Brave browser.


However, you must enable Brave ads because the browser blocks all ads by default. Before receiving any payment, you need to activate the wallet BAT token. For users who do not want to support any website, they will not earn money nor contribute to any favorite websites. But in return can browse the web very quickly.

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